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BE Constructive Smart | Roof Plumbing

What is roof plumbing and why is it so important?

Roof plumbing is arguably one of the most important considerations to be made in any construction project as it is responsible for protecting our buildings from the elements, particularly by ensuring there is no penetration of water. Roof plumbing must satisfy the requirements that are set by the NCC, in particular P2.2.2 Weatherproofing and P2.1.1 Surface Water, which states that there are various solutions available, with relevant Australian Standards applicable. These performance provisions of the NCC and the Standards are similar in that they have to effectively manage the harsh Australian climatic conditions in order to protect your structure and the occupants within.

Why is the roof an important detail for you as the builder to get right?

The roof of the building provides perhaps the main protection we seek from a building from sun, rain, snow and wind and all other environmental conditions that can be experienced within Australia. It is also responsible for contributing to effective energy efficiency which is detailed more specifically in section J1.3 of the NCC.

Who would typically nominate the type of roof and how would it be installed?

The architect will nominate a preferred roof material based upon the desired appearance, authority functionality and local planning parameters. In addition to damp and weatherproofing requirements, there is durability and structural considerations in selecting and constructing the most suitable roof form.

To take responsibility for all the requirements of the roof plumbing installation we have within our BE Index developed our roof cladding Quality Assurance. As part of this checklist, we take into consideration the following factors:

  1. The suitability of the structure to take the introduced loads such as; wind, water or construction loads.

  2. Who and how people will access the roof, and how you will protect the roof structure whilst also ensuring the safety of the people that require access.

  3. Consideration of rain water discharge from the roof (ensuring the high concentration of water will not cause further problems for the structure or building site).

What about other trades or services that penetrate the roof structure?

An important consideration and focus, as quite often the source of leaks and the greatest potential for leaks are related to roof penetrations.

At BE Projects, we have a strict rule that penetrations made through the roof structure are only carried out by the roof plumber, therefore significantly lowering the likelihood of any damage occurring, and ensuring it is detailed correctly to prevent issues in the future.


Sources of information

  • Australian Standards;

  • AS1562 - 1992

  • AS2049

  • BCA - P2.2.2 – Weatherproofing (2015)

  • BCA – P2.1.1 Surface Water

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