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Architect Insight | Dec 2018

We talk all things Architecture & Construction with Stephen Hart, from SITE Architecture Studio.

Tell us a bit about your firm:

Site Architecture Studio is a Perth WA based practice offering design services across a wide variety of projects types in the whole of the state of WA. We have a strong service delivery ethos and care about Clients position in the procurement of buildings. We strive the produce good architectural design outcomes that meet or exceed our clients expectations and that respond to the micro and macro environment of the Place, physically and socially.

What is a highlight of your career?

Being the leader of a team of professionals that won two Architectural Design competitions in one year. The projects were an office building for a leading business advocacy organisation and a Community facility upgrade on a prominent river side site.

Where do you get your inspiration?

Broadly speaking my inspiration comes from the world (in the widest meaning of the phase), around me and the stimulation of engaging effectively with our Clients. With respect to design my inspiration comes from the Place (site, social context and relationship with the land).

What’s hot in Architecture this year?

An exploitation of building form facilitated by technology and open minded creativity coupled with an artistic interpretation of 'materiality'.

What’s your favourite product/finish?

Steel, cladding and an honest expression of structure coloured or natural.

When you are not at work, what keeps you busy?

Architectural thinking is relentless and occupies all my waking hours so I try to find pursuits that challenge my mental activity or not as an escape.

What do you see for the WA Construction future?

I see a bright future for construction and architecture in WA the local profession and constructors are gradually refining their approach to design and building with some very high quality outcomes, we are also seeing and experiencing more collaboration between design professionals and constructors which augers well for our collective clients.

What’s on the horizon for you and your company?

Bigger projects and better value with a broadening of our client base and widening of project types.

W: E: P: 08 9226 5661

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